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January February March 2010
News from the Former Adventist Fellowship Weekend Conference:
Defending the Faith
Colleen Tinker
The fifth annual Former Adventist Fellowship (FAF) Weekend, Defending the Gospel, was wonderful, and we thank the staff and volunteers from Trinity Church and also the visiting speakers who helped make a rich and memorable event for about 65 registered guests and dozens more from the community who attended the opening meeting on Friday evening.
Sharon and Scott Strum and their worship team established an atmosphere of joy and reverence that defined all the meetings. Friday evening featured a 10-minute video presentation by Phil Bubar, senior pastor of The Chapel Evangelical Free Church in St. Joseph, Michigan, who with his wife began hosting a weekly FAF Bible study in their home in October. Carolyn Macomber, co-leader of the St. Joseph FAF and a doctoral student at Andrews University (AU), presented her faith story in which she shared being fired from her staff position at AU last summer after revealing that she had placed her trust in the Lord Jesus and had left the Adventist organization.
Mark Martin, senior pastor of Calvary Community Church in Phoenix, Arizona, was the featured speaker. He began by recounting his own firing from the Arizona Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 25 years ago when, as a young pastor, he began preaching justification by grace through faith alone. He continued by articulating powerfully, in words the visiting evangelicals would understand, the depth and darkness of the intricately woven Adventist doctrines that hold its members in confusion, despair, and hopelessness, explaining why Adventists need to be evangelized and why Christians cannot collaborate with Adventists as if they are fellow believers.
Following Mark's talk, a panel composed of Jonathan Bilima, pastor of Kairos church in Riverside; Paul Carden, executive director of the Centers for Apologetics Research; Carolyn Macomber; Mark Martin; and Colleen Tinker moderated by Richard Tinker answered questions submitted by the audience.
Saturday opened with Gary Inrig, senior pastor of Trinity Church, teaching Habakkuk's lessons on trusting God even when His provision looks like disaster at first glance. He is faithful, though, and He keeps His word, restores His people, and punishes evil.
Breakout sessions during mid-morning included Dale Ratzlaff moderating "Bring All Your Adventist Questions", Martin Carey presenting "Idols, Demons, and Slaves" addressing the Galatian and Colossian heresies, Steve Pitcher on "Cults: Comparisons and Contrasts", and Joan Yorba-Gray and Colleen Tinker addressing "De-programming and Restructuring Conscience".
Bill Born, worship pastor at Trinity Church, conducted the day's first Christianity.EDU class: "Adopted Into God's Family". He shared the story of his and his wife Julie's adoption of their daughter Maria and led the group in a study of Ephesians 1, discovering what Scriptures teach about God our Father, Christ our Savior, and the Holy Spirit our helper when we are adopted as God's children.
After lunch Steve Pitcher shared his faith story—punctuated by a 4.1 earthquake that rattled the room and startled those new to Southern California. Dale Ratzlaff followed Steve with a powerful talk he called "A Trip Through Romans", clearly articulating the simple gospel and its effectiveness in making us new creatures, removing us from the curse of the law, and freeing and sanctifying us in Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Following another hour of breakout sessions, Jon Rittenhouse conducted the final Christianity.EDU: "Does the Bible Teach ‘Once Saved, Always Saved'?" Attendees were impacted by the biblical evidence that they can know their salvation is secure.
After an Italian meal catered by Napoli's restaurant, Cheryl and Woody Granger opened the evening meeting with their faith story. Greg Taylor, senior pastor of Brethren In Christ Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was scheduled to conduct the communion service on Saturday evening, but the paralyzing blizzards on the east coast prevented his flight from departing. Dale Ratzlaff led the service instead and invited people to share their praise or testimonies after eating the Lord's Supper. The evening closed with those present praying for one another in small groups.
Sunday began with Dale presenting "The Faith of Abraham" from Romans 4 followed by church service at Trinity where Gary preached on Galatians 1:6-9: "Accept No Substitutes", emphasizing that "if we tamper with God's gospel, the product will inevitably be an ‘un-gospel'."
Esther and Stanford Shu hosted a farewell lunch at their home after church. People enjoyed the spring-like warmth around the pool and cemented the friendships formed during the weekend.
A highlight of the weekend occurred after lunch when one young woman confessed to Carolyn Macomber that she was not sure she was saved. Carolyn asked, "Would you like to seal the deal?" The young woman said she would, and she prayed to receive Jesus as her Savior and Lord. She and her husband are amazed at the changes in their lives over the past few weeks, and they are rejoicing that they will raise their children to know Jesus and biblical truth.
We thank the women of Trinity who volunteered their weekend to prepare and serve the food: Lynn Rae Dupree, Thais Kanold, Diana Hall, Bethany Halpin, Rachel Halpin, Rebekah Morgan, and Mary Kay Stear. Thanks also to the audio visual team: Sheri Blakey, Joe Cornell, and Adrienne Halpin; to Bruce Herwig for his help with publicity, and to Ann Mixon and Steve Springsted, pastor of community life, for their coordination of the facilities.
Some comments from weekend participants:
"When we left the luncheon Sunday and Redlands this morning, it was as if a part of us was being ripped off and left behind. [We] will be back…Lord willing."
"It was a totally powerful weekend. It touched me in deep places I didn't expect."
"The love between all of us brothers and sisters is really a taste of heaven on earth."
Make sure to attend next year. The Former Adventist Fellowship Weekend conference is scheduled for President's Day weekend, February 18–20, 2011, in Redlands, California. Watch for details and registration information in future issues of this magazine. †
Copyright 2010 Life Assurance Ministries, Inc., Glendale, Arizona, USA. All rights reserved. Revised April 24, 2010. Contact email: proclamation@gmail.com